This story was submitted to the site by GothWarrior84 from Rainham, Essex, UK.
I met my wife in the year 2005. At the time she still lived with her mum in her family home in Rainham. She didn't waste any time in inviting me to stay with her and her mum to live. One night I had to get up and visit the toilet and as I left her room I was frozen with the presence of a dark shadow being at the top or the stairs next to the window, I had to hastily go passed it to get to the bathroom.
This being was there many nights causing fear every time, one night I rushed by to come back to our bedroom when my wife asked if I was ok. I then told her all about it and the fact that sometimes the being would be at the bottom of the stairs slowly making its way up. She then breathed a sigh of relief and told me all about her experience of the same being and that from the earliest memory she had, that being was there in her house.
Now years passed we moved out got married had two children when suddenly her mother passed away leaving the house to my wife in her will. We moved back in decorated and all was fine for about 6 months until my son (4 at the time) came running into our bedroom crying about the bad man in his dream that stood at the top of the staircase. His description of the being was exactly the same as what my wife and I had seen out the corner of our eyes when we used to pass it, tall dark being wearing black no face.
What was even more disturbing was the fact that my wife had an imaginary friend whilst growing up (not uncommon) and last night whilst watching one of our favourite paranormal programmes I asked my son if he remembered his dream when he was 4 and he recalled it word by word as if it happened yesterday then he went on to tell us about his imaginary friend he had in the same home. My wife turned pale and when my son went to bed she then spoke to me about it. The exact same description of his imaginary friend was her imaginary friend too. A little girl with dark hair in an old white dress (like a christening gown) only ever used to pop by at night.
Needless to say this was our catalyst to move homes but even in this home there is a presence but a much nicer presence which doesn't bother us. We happily co exist.
SOURCE: unexplained-mysteries
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